Small steps, summer 2010
Whilst waiting for inspiration to strike (and time to become available - a four hour daily commute is not condusive to productive gardening!), we planted out a few veg that had started off in pots prior to moving in May 2010.
Runner beans, lettuce, sweet peas |
A packet of runner bean 'Scarlet Emperor' had lasted since my days with Housemate Helen so these were planted in the sunny border. The lack of long bamboo canes and subsequent lashing of shorter canes together meant that following a summer storm the wigwam fell over. Fortunately, this enabled Husband to finally admit that he didn't really like runner beans! Still, we ate rather a lot before that (aw, isn't he lovely). The sweetpeas planted with them suffered from a lack of watering but tried their best. We went on holiday just before the few lettuce and rocket plants next to the beans were ready, so they had gone to seed upon our return.
Courgettes (and home brew) |
Two courgette plants grown from seeds given by Granny L were planted under a window and did so well that they set off across the lawn.
Potatoes in sacks didn't do so well, perhaps because of the hot spell in early summer and my not knowing how much water they wanted - considering the rain in Ireland, famed for its potatoes, I should have guessed!
Feeding time in the goat willow |
Husband was given chilli seeds as a Christmas present and these were grown in pots in the conservatory. It was a learning process and this year (2011) should see better results.
Bush tomatoes were grown in hanging baskets and pots outside but failed to impress.
Courgette quiche |
Bob Flowerdew's book 'Grow Your Own Eat Your Own' provided inspiration for a courgette quiche. Having baked a courgette cake with Housemate Helen, I was not tempted to recreate the soggy if tasty effort!
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