Sunday, 3 April 2011

Planting and sowing

March 2011 plantings
On 11th March I transplanted strawberry plants from a cheap end of season B&Q hanging basket into the garlic/onion/leek/bean bed (yes, I have since read that beans and garlic don't mix but for this first year they'll just have to try toughing it out). They have taken well and are encircled by onion sets. The onion sets were purchased at Hampshire Potato Day and are starting to show already after some warm weather (writing at the end of March). Leeks sown at the same time are not showing, and it might be because the seed is old. I'll try sowing in a pot to plant out if it germinates. Parsley for this bed has been sown indoors and four seedlings are bravely surviving.

Bed A: strawberries, garlic, leek markers and bean poles
Brussels sprouts, cabbages, radishes and nasturtiums were sown on 15th March in another bed, with some remaining onions at each end to ward off nasties (not sure that fits with crop rotation - think I'm getting confused between strict rotation by type and companion planting). So far the radish and cabbage has made an appearance. After learning that pak choi is a brassica, that was sown on 23rd March.

Early carrots, parsnips, beetroot and rocket were sown in a third bed on 15th March, but so far there's no show. It could be that the weather was just too cold, or that the seed just too old. Still, there's time yet for further attempts.
Tucking up the wee seedies on two frosty nights
On Sunday 20th March, Husband and I bought a Cox's Orange Pippin apple tree at RHS Wisley Plant Centre. It was planted the same day with a hazel rod for a stake and seems to be very happy in its new home. We also got seduced by a variety pack of red dahlias for the sunny flower border which needs a complete re-vamp.

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