May 2011
It having been over a month since our last post, you might have thought that there would be a dramatic change in the garden since then. However, there doesn't seem to have been a great deal of growth, which could either be down to the complete lack of rain or to mine eyes becoming accustomed to the garden (another reason why this blog is helpful - times they are a'changing (Happy 70th Birthday Bob) at a gradual pace). So before Baby Bean awakes, here goes...
Husband got a bit arty with the euphorbia by the compost bin. Surprised he was able to get that close considering the size of the thistles, which I think are beautiful and he thinks are spiky.
Our first genuine archeological find (aside from tarmac and old wire) was a button from a soldier's uniform:
Housemate Helen came to assist with a backlog of planting out. Here she is putting in some celeriac on Bed B, which had been started in modules a very long time ago BB (Before Bean):
We finally planted in Bed D. The spinach, lettuce and rocket are growing well. Some of the sweetcorn hasn't germinated so the odd one needs to be re-sown but otherwise it's exciting to see. The courgettes are in and scabious have been planted next to them.
Bed A is growing well but having to battle blackbirds digging for grubs around the garlic and pecking the strawberries. Note to self: fix cds to a stick in attempt to ward the birds off. The Pea Beans from the Organic Gardening stall at Hampshire Potato Day are growing well despite the garlic, with two growing from seed planted directly.
Now Bed C is annoying. I struggled with brassicas in a previous garden and this one is no better. The Pak Choi are going to seed (lack of water). The cabbages are being manged (pigeons). The Savoy Cabbage isn't germinating (old seed). The broccoli and brussels sprouts need transplanting but aren't big enough yet and may never get to be big enough. Still, the radish is growing well so if that's all that grows we will at least have nice salads all summer.
Surprisingly, the potatoes planted by Husband in a manky bit of upturned turf are doing rather well. They're a bit more shaded than the official veg beds which may help in this hot weather. Oh, we are watering the garden every other day but that's not the same as a good drenching from the sky. We have a date in the diary for the First Inspection of the potatoes - hehe!
The front garden is south facing and is doing very well, although one of the roses has flopped (Grandpa L says it's normal for some). One of the calla lily bulbs has emerged although it may not survive. Still, much excitement at its debut.
So what are these Mysterious Holes that keep appearing in the soil? Dunno. Something must be digging whilst we sleep, either a cat or a fox we think. Husband has pondered setting up a webcam to track the beastie so we might be able to watch it on YouTube (erm, I got lost during the explanation on the whys and wherefores).
And here is Baby Bean at 5 weeks 3 days old, growing well:
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